Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Eating fried worms.....

Yes, you read that right. Z (12) decided to do a project on edible insects and found many, many, many recipes online, even cookbooks, you name it!! Before I knew it, they were donning sweaters, grabbing shovels, and heading out into the yard. I immediately called my best friend to make sure I wasn't out of my mind allowing this.

However, I did insist he could not use any of my cookware, utensils, etc.

And their reactions?

Z(12): "Very interesting. Next time I'll use crickets!"
A(9): "It doesn't really taste like anything except bread crumbs."
H(7): "It tastes like bread crumbs and worm...except that I've never had worm."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

NOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAY, my kids are cracking up here. You should hear them over my shoulder. Mom, is it real? Mom, will they die? Mom, will they get sick? Too funny. (ran across your blog on the WTM forums)